Dealership Page
Last updated: 19th August 2012
Welcome to the London Bus Tender Game dealership. The dealership will allow you to choose which buses you would like to run upon the routes you wish to operate. Each bus type has varying extra options which you may wish to add to the base specification, so please look at the list of extras before deciding which features you wish to install upon your buses.
The dealership pages are grouped by bodybuilder, with double deckers on top and single deckers on the bottom of each section. If a bus type has a hybrid version you will find this within the same page as the diesel variant. The brand new buses which we can order for you are shown below, please scroll through. If however you are looking for second hand older buses, you need this page.
Alexander Dennis |
Enviro 400 | Enviro 500 |
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Enviro 200 | Enviro 300 | Primo | Centro |
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Wrightbus |
Gemini 2 |
Streetlite | Eclipse Urban | Electrocity | Eclipse Hydrogen |
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Optare |
Olympus | OmniDekka |
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Solo | Solo SR | Tempo | Versa | Esteem |
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Scania | | | Mercedes Benz | | MCV |
Omnicity DD | | | Citaro | Citaro Hydrogen | | DD103 |
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Omnicity SD | | Evolution |
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Thanks to Jay Houlden, Jack Marian, Mark Leonard, David McKay and Luke Vjsaka for providing photos.
© Copyright remains with the original photographers.